
More than 200 million people visit LinkedIn every month. The portal publishes 210 million vacancies every month from 57 million companies, whose communities are open to every user.

Here, you can not wait until they notice you, you can go to any company you are interested in and find the people you need in its community. But make sure your profile is complete before submitting a request to add to professional contacts. For employers, clients, and partners, your LinkedIn profile is your calling card.

In this article, we will discuss how to create a good Linkedin profile photo and header image.

Profile photo

The first impression of you is based on your photo. Give it a lot of attention.

  1. LinkedIn needs a portrait that shows just you and no one else. The gaze should be directed towards the camera. The face is benevolent.
  2. The photo must match your professional image and not arouse suspicion that you are doing something other than what you write about in life.

How not to:

  • group photo with colleagues loved one, pet, parents, baby, etc .;
  • in the photo you are standing in profile or with the back of your head, covering your face with a cap, sunglasses, etc .;
  • full-length photo;
  • in the photo, not you, but your caricature, doll, celebrity, soft toy, cat, monitor screen, etc.
  • a photo from a party where you simply cut out your face from the general photo
  • a photo from the wedding, where you are standing in a veil and in a wedding dress. 
  • photos from fishing, hunting, or vacation on the beach;
  • photo with a cigarette in your mouth;
  • photo in nude style, etc.

Header image

By default, LinkedIn has its own gray-blue background, which does not always blend in with your photo and does not reflect the mood of your profile. It makes the profile look unfinished.

Header image may look the following way:

  1. Make a design yourself for your personal brand, add graphics, and indicate the data by which you can be found and contacted. For example, social media nicknames, phone, email, website, etc.

     2. Take the splash screen of your current company, so users will associate you with a well-known brand.

How not to:

Something not connected with your work – pets, babies, toys, pictures from your favorite computer game, favorite music band, etc.


Good practice how to look a Linkedin profile photo and a header image:

How not to look:

How to look: